What does AMD Application Power Management (APM) and HPC Mode BIOS Settings do?
Today, we are going to talk about the Application Power Management (APM Master Mode) and HPC Mode (High Performance Computing) BIOS settings that are available on many AMD Motherboards using Socket AM3+ CPU's. It seems there is a lot of misinformation on the web concerning exactly what these settings mean, and how they effect your CPU, especially in overclocking situations. In this post, we will explore what these settings mean, what effect they have, and if you should enable or disable them.
So without further delay, lets get started.
AMD Application Power Management (APM Master Mode) -According to AMD, Application Power Management is a technology inside your AMD FX CPU that works in conjunction with AMD Turbo Core technology that will allow your CPU to reach Turbo Core speeds (running above base clock speed) as long as there is thermal and voltage headroom available.
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